
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hello 2016

2016 is my last year in middle school before I have to start my new journey through Highschool. Before I go off to Highschool some things I want to change are things such as my level of commitment to some to my homework assignments, sometimes when I stay up late to do my homework and it's around 12 in the morning I think to myself, Would me not doing this assignment bring down my grade by a lot? I should be doing every assignment given to me with no question. I want to do my homework on Friday nights when it is first assigned to me not Sunday night or Monday morning. I really really really need to get into better studying habits and study more often for my foreign language classes. Since I have other commitments after school hours I tend to blow things off or procrastinate. These things are a few things I hope to improve on before I take my journey through Highschool.


  1. Yes... I wait until Sunday night to grade as well ...

  2. I agree and can relate to the whole procrastinating part, that's something too I would like to work on this year.
