
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Same Sex Schools, Are They Better Or Worse Than Public Schools?

 My debate topic is about same sex schools. Are same sex schools easier to learn in for students? Are co-ed schools a distraction to opposite genders' learning abilities? Same sex schools can help girls and boys learn better because there isn't the distraction of thinking what boys think about you or what girls think about you. Most girls are afraid of speaking out loud most of the time because they think if they get the wrong answer other people will make fun of them, or boys will make fun of them. Girls mature faster so potentially boys won't hold them back. In same sex schools teachers can use different teaching techniques for certain genders, and boys and girls learn easier in different environments. Girls tend to learn easier in quiet places and occasionally working together, Boys learn best in a competitive, loud environment. If you observe your classes at a co-ed school you'll also see that most teachers call on boys more often than girls, So ask yourself, Do kids learn better in same sex schools or public schools? Tell me your ideas in the comments.

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