
Friday, January 29, 2016

Food Feast

My family and I always take road trips down south to see my dad's side of the family and my grandmother. Last year we went down for Thanksgiving break to spend the food-filled holiday with a different side of the family for once. My uncle Mike is an astonishing cook and he used to take culinary classes in highschool and college, so he was mostly the one cooking our Thanksgiving feast with a little help of course, me! We devoted a whole day and a half to cooking the food we were about to put on our table that night. We cooked the feast as I stared in bewilderment at the light brown turkey and vegetables with an assortment of yellows, greens, and oranges. My mouth completely watered when we took the crisp apple pie out of the oven and snuck a little piece and rearranged the other pieces to look like we never took one. That Thanksgiving was one I couldn't forget and I can't wait to go back and do it again next year. 

Ricardo's Struggle

Being a child of two beautiful parents gets hard sometimes. I begin to wonder what happened to me. Going to school everyday is hard for me when my friends and fellow classmates are all more attractive than me, it makes me feel bad about myself. My parents Maddy and Arlette tell me that I'm beautiful just the way I am and what counts is on the inside not the outside but they don't understand that looking in the mirror makes me hate myself. One day I was in Mrs. Maldonado's science class and we started talking about mitosis and meiosis and then I realized that there was no way I could've changed how I look and I need to take pride in that, thank you parents for loving me even when I don't love myself.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Movie Review "The Forest"

The forest in my opinion could have been better, there could've been a more interesting story line. I would give this movie a 6 out of 10, because the forest wasn't a very scary movie honestly and that's probably wht it was rated PG-13. The movie in a way had a happy ending but not quite.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hello 2016

2016 is my last year in middle school before I have to start my new journey through Highschool. Before I go off to Highschool some things I want to change are things such as my level of commitment to some to my homework assignments, sometimes when I stay up late to do my homework and it's around 12 in the morning I think to myself, Would me not doing this assignment bring down my grade by a lot? I should be doing every assignment given to me with no question. I want to do my homework on Friday nights when it is first assigned to me not Sunday night or Monday morning. I really really really need to get into better studying habits and study more often for my foreign language classes. Since I have other commitments after school hours I tend to blow things off or procrastinate. These things are a few things I hope to improve on before I take my journey through Highschool.