
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Holocaust Museum

    My experience at the Holocaust museum was very informational and I believe it was somewhere important everyone should visit at least once in their life. The holocaust teaches children and adults the importance of World War II and how segregation and mistreating others that may be different than us is not okay and has consequences. Taking a trip to the Holocaust museum is a good idea for a field trip and I would recommend it because it is a very important part of history for not only people of Jewish decent but for people all over the world who have witnessed such cruelty, because some of those people are still alive today.  I have to admit it was hard standing around that museum for about three hours but I just thought about what the prisoners had to go through and I stopped thinking I was tired. I appreciated hearing a live survivor from a camp in Germany called Aushwitz. Loved the museum and I definitely would go back anytime I could.

1 comment:

  1. Our class too went on a trip to the holocaust and I agree, it was informational & it was an important part in history. Great blog, was able to actual relate due to a similar experience.
